Sunday, September 29, 2013

Retreat!!!! Retreat!!!!

Mark 6:31
Jesus said to them, `Come away with me. Let us go alone to a quiet place and rest for a while.' Many people were coming and going. They could not even eat.

Sorry its been so long since I wrote!!! So much happens here in one day! I actually have a TON of testimonies to share also, but some of them will have to wait until the next post.

I jut got back from a retreat at JH Ranch in Etna, CA.  (see pictures below)

It was a great time of refreshing and filling up on the word of God, fellowship with lovers of Jesus, and getting to know some of the people I will be running alongside this season.  It was exactly what you imagine a retreat would be.  Getting away so you can rest in God.

As you all know, this sudden and overwhelming change in my life has been overwhelming and underwhelming at times.  Adjusting is key.  I have to REMIND myself to have grace for this time of adjusting.  It reminds me very much of experiencing culture shock when visiting a foreign country. My life is suddenly and drastically different and that takes adjusting.

Sometimes it only takes the smallest thing to throw us out of our usual loop.  And we are reeling for footing, trying to figure out our place, our peace, our rest.  GIVE YOURSELF SOME GRACE TOO!

I am declaring grace for me and all who are reading:  Retreat!!!!  Retreat with yourself to a place where you can rest with God and adjust.  Just breathe.  Adjust.

It is a new season.  It is a new time.  God has good for you.

The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.
Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.
God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble.


  1. "I have to REMIND myself to have grace for this time of adjusting." SO GOOD FOR ME RIGHT NOW! As we're about to adjust to moving to FL... It's so good for me to learn from you to give myself GRACE and to make time to get away and REST with God once we get there! That ranch place looks like a blast!! Beautiful pics!! Love you! xo -Rach

    1. Hey Rach,
      Don't hesitate to rest before your leap of faith! I had to remind myself in the month of preparation before coming here! Rest is an ACTIVE LIFESTYLE!!!!! We need to live out of it. But yes, grace for adjusting is so important and I am STILL in the middle of learning that. A retreat, sabbattical and an ACT of rest is important!!!!!!! I bet Florida has tons of places for just that kind of thing! Love you!!! Can't wait to talk again!

  2. I just read your reply back to me, and it really spoke to my heart! You are confirming things The Lord was putting in my heart earlier today!! Thanks girly!! Keep blogging!! xo

    1. I love you and I miss you. Can we have a skype or facetime date soon???
