Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Climbing A Mountain

You know those crazy people who always talked about being a "world changer" with film and art and music and creativity? I'm talking about the Bob Briner's of the world who recognized that the performance and entertainment industry is one of the most influential and revered areas of society.  I used to think that mountain was just too big to climb and that you had to be super beautiful, rich, and connected to have influence like that.

I don't think like that anymore.  Being part of this school and doing full time ministry with a bunch of people who are PASSIONATE, DRIVEN, and TALENTED has changed my mind.

I DO have what it takes to be influential and make a difference.

I'm happy to go wherever God sends me and do whatever he puts on my heart to do...say what he says.... Jesus modeled this for us when he only said and did what he saw the Father doing.  I like that.

I don't have unrealistic, lofty dreams for myself.  I have lofty, heavenly dreams for YOU! This world.  My heart is to climb the mountains of entertainment, politics, and creative arts in this world and take down the idols and demonic strongholds that exist there. The media has SO much influence in this world and is often used to traffic sex, twisted secular humanism, and hopelessness.

I don't have a particular area that I have to be involved in, but I do feel a specific burden for love-starved hollywood stars, media moguls, business, politics, and musicians struggling with drug and alcohol addiction, identity, money-worship, and mounting fears.

If you had asked me in high school, I would have told you I would love to be a singer or an actress... I never would have said Missionary.

But maybe...

Maybe God gave me talents that fit in these industries, because he knew he would one day plant in me a heart for the people trapped in these places.  We send missionaries all over the world, we cheer on our political, business, and educational Christian heroes but where are the people in Hollywood TRULY there to bring LOVE, BEAUTY, TRUTH, and LIGHT?  Believe it or not, there are more than you think.

I know, because I've met some while I have been here in California.  It has been encouraging to see a group of people going towards an industry, motivated out of love, creativity, beauty, and FREEDOM.

So what?  Am I moving to Hollywood?  No.  Not yet. Maybe not ever.

Truthfully- I get confused as to where/what/when is my mission field.  All I know is that I have one.  All I know is WHO I am...and WHOSE I am.

I know I have a heart for JUSTICE... My prayers storm the gates of heaven on behalf of teen pregnancies, women, beauty, victims of trafficking, abuse, drugs, slavery, abortion, and any other crime against the children God created.

I know I have a heart for see it etched into people's hearts like tattoos, so they can find JOY and therefore HOPE! To see it bring them to FREEDOM.

I know I have a heart for BEAUTY and IDENTITY.... to see it restored into women, men, relationships, creative arts.  That people can walk into a family and be forever adopted as sons and daughters of a loving Father.

I know I have a heart for WORSHIP... to create and inspire and do the things I was created to do to bring God glory and honor and praise.  To make him smile.  To show him how much I love him.  To show him how beautiful I think the world he made and the people he rescued are.

So where am I going?  I don't know.  That's why I am at a ministry school specifically.  So that I can pursue FULL-TIME ministry AND pursue finding the direction to plug in all of these passions.

So right now my mission field is in Redding, California and that is where I am currently spinning like a cyclone and letting fireworks of music, color and creativity burst out of me in every direction.  I am writing screenplays, filming, acting in films, singing and writing songs, leading worship, teaching theatre, writing, painting... I am worshipping my God. And I am hopefully creating bridges for people to find Him.

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